
Print our own fabrics           
1 or 2 days
This workshop explores a variety of simple printing techniques which produce exciting results with a minimum of expense and equipment. Colour mixing will be explained, and students will leave the workshop with samples, a range of colour co-ordinated hand printed fabric, and the ability to work independently on future projects.
Maximum 20 – 25 students, depending upon space   All levels

Asian patchwork and quilting traditions    
1 or 2 days
Be inspired by handling and studying examples of traditional Asian patchwork and quilting from Wendy’s collection. These will be used as inspiration for small samplers exploring a rich variety of patterns and processes, generating ideas for larger works.
Maximum 20 students  All levels 

Playing with hand stitch      
1 or 2 days
This is a relaxed but stimulating workshop exploring the endless possibilities of simple hand stitch. The same stitches which are used to quilt two or more layers of fabric together can also play a prominent part in the design of your quilt.  Even the simple running stitch can be an exciting mark-making tool, creating fantastic visual effects.  A series of small samplers will be worked, generating ideas and possibilities.
Maximum 20 students  All levels  

New from old – working with recycled fabrics
1 or 2 days
Explore the tradition of making-do, as you use recycled fabrics to design and create a small table mat or wall hanging. This workshop doesn’t focus on teaching sewing skills, but on how to think creatively, to design and make an object of beauty from materials which might by themselves be considered to be of little worth. Fabrics which might otherwise be discarded, considered to be of no use due to holes, patches or darns, can be used creatively to enhance the design. You will explore the best ways to use various fabrics and consider possible design arrangements.  By the end of the workshop you will be well on the way to completing your chosen project.           
Maximum 20 students  All levels

Print, layer and stitch – thematic explorations        
2 to 5 days
Take these three simple processes, combine them, and you have the potential for a vast range of self-expression. With a sense of adventure, and even the most basic of equipment, anything is possible.  In this class, a variety of simple printing processes will be combined with layering and stitching to create a series of small exploratory pieces (leading to larger work in the longer workshops). Each participant will work with images which reflect a theme relevant to their individual interests or concerns.
Maximum 15 students  All levels    

Design workshop
2 to 5 days
Participants will explore a number of design possibilities based on an image of their choice. A series of exercises exploring the use of line, shape, colour, texture and composition will be used to assist in the development of ideas. Consideration will be given to how these ideas can be effectively translated into different media and techniques. The emphasis will be on the development of personal expression.
Maximum 15 students  All levels

1 day
A class for serious practitioners (equally suited to quiltmakers or those working in other textile or art fields) who wish to focus on developing their potential. In order to maximise use of the time available, students will be required to complete two set tasks at home prior to the masterclass. They will be expected to prepare a written artist’s statement, which will form part of a brief presentation they will each give about their work. They will also be required to complete a design exercise which will form the basis of a class critique session. There will be the opportunity for general discussion and positive feedback which should prove beneficial to all participants.
Note: Maximum 10 students  Intermediate (not suitable for symposium situations) 

Please contact me to inquire further or to request a booking