work space

I have worked for more than two decades from a home studio incorporating print table, sewing space, design wall and office area.  Over the years my work space has been diminished by stacks of storage crates overflowing with old damaged cloth – worn-out blankets, faded curtains, and threadbare table cloths and sheets. 

These treasures are sourced mostly from flea markets and op-shops.  In other lands the latter are usually referred to as charity shops, but I far prefer our Aussie terminology.  What could possibly be a more appropriate guide to the treasures within than to call these places opportunity shops? 

Over the last decade I have made occasional use of improvised studios away from home during various arts residencies.  For two glorious months in 2008 I had room to spread out in a huge temporary Artsource studio/gallery space in the city centre.  However my largest work space, always available and beckoning, is my big backyard, the Western Australian landscape.  I escape there with my camera whenever I can manage.